Rio, walks differently -RESERVED

Travel Fund: Adopter Led with possible support from MM

Collection London Heathrow




18 months as of April 24



Current Location


Country to Adopt to



In the neighbourhood where Rio was living on the street, it was common practice for a certain man to beat the street dogs with a pole.
Sometimes animal lovers would try to stop this. Other times people turned a blind eye.
One night recently a kind woman was lying in bed and heard the screams of a dog coming from outside. It was Rio being beaten (not for the first time) by this man.
This time he beat him so badly his leg was completely broken, un usable and requiring reconstruction.
Our donors came to the rescue to pay for his surgery.
Here Rio is now post surgery. He’s frightened of course but a sweet boy. He is dog and people friendly but may well have trauma fallout issues in future.
Could you be the one to show Rio we aren’t all bad people and offer him a home in the UK?
He is a young male, neutered mixed breed dog approx 18kg.
If you want to make it right for Rio please get in touch.

Type of Home Needed

A loving home, happy to adopt a dog who walks differently and will need time to adjust and find his feet.

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